Brittany Anne Photography
My name is Brittany Towell and I am your Yakima and Central Washington Portrait and Lifestyle Photographer!

Services Offered

Newborn photography is the sweetest, most intimate type of session I offer. I love connecting with babies, mommas, and their families. I have a home studio, or I offer lifestyle sessions in your home. If this is something you have been considering, please connect with me!

Couples and Engagement
I love learning about my couples and creating photos with their style in mind. I am up for anything from a hike in the woods to a taco picnic!
Family Portraits
Family photography is something I love so very much. Perhaps it is important to me to capture your family, because I am passionate about capturing my own. I enjoy these sessions immensely so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of your questions or special requests.

Maternity photography is so magical! There is only a short period of time where you are carrying a little life around with you. I absolutely adore these sessions! I offer services in studio, outdoors, or in home.

You want to know about me??
The Full Story
Hi there! I am Brittany and welcome to my page. I am a portrait and lifestyle photographer for Yakima and Central Washington. If you are interested in family photography, newborn/maternity, senior, engagement/couples then I'm your girl! I am located in Tieton, which is just west of Yakima, Wa. I've always been the girl taking photos. However, that was usually on a disposable camera or really early point and shoot digital. But, my real obsession started when I was pregnant with my oldest son. I did not want to forget or miss a thing. My sweet sweet hubby bought me a DSLR and I started to learn the basics. Fast forward 4 years and I'm gifted yet again with a whole studio setup and upgraded camera from his mom. I am beyond blessed to have the support that I've been graced with. I'm excited to continue this photo journey.​